fertility academy
intake now open
mentoring programme
With over 16 years of experience in fertility and pregnancy, Angela is one of most well known fertility nutritionist’s in the UK and internationally.
Over the last 6 years she has been involved in specialist training in this area to students and current practitioners and has been invited to lecture in large conferences as well as smaller events.
Angela has been working on a practitioner mentoring programme for the last few years and is finally in the position after developing her own unique style of support to clients to offer this to you to help you to build your own practice.

How the programme was born…
The programme developed as a seed from one of the largest practitioner fertility and pregnancy conferences in the UK ever.
Angela was a speaker at the Gestational journey in 2018 alongside Naturopathic doctors dietitians and Obstetricians and It became very obvious quite quickly as the conference sold out to over 450 delegates fast – that there was not only a need for specialist training in this area but an appetite for practitioners to train solely in this area, and so the programme started to take flight!
Watch Angela Talk to one of the organisers at the conference here.
With a background in training and lecturing and a previous career in the voluntary sector, local councils and working with communities, sole traders and social enterprises, the mentoring programme Fertility Academy will bring Angela’s skills and knowledge to the table, and help current
practitioners to develop the gravitas needed to support clients through this fertility journey where now 1 in 8 people struggle to have a baby.
is this for you?
The Fertility Academy is for you if you would like 9 months of support to then become a specialist in the areas of fertility. The only qualification we ask is that you are either a Nutritionist, Nutritional therapist, Doctor, Nurse or trained or a recognised Functional medicine qualification that has been over 1 year.
If you are studying nutrition you must be in your final year to join the course.
We will be meeting to go through material every 2 weeks for 9 months and case studies will be a large part of this so a commitment of 2+ hours weekly is the bare minimum we expect. ( However this will be much more if you want to progress)
As the course is an annual intake there will only be one recruitment a year. Angela will also only be taking on a few people in order to give practitioners the time and support they need.

what does the course include?
The course will run over 9 months. As the course will only be taking on a small number of students there will only be one intake a year.
As a lecturer Angela’s style is to ensure you get the most out of your training and is interested in how you learn, so its vital that the group is a good mixtures of Creative problem solvers, movers, shakers, builders, doers, empaths and researchers, as the learning will be at a pace – and its vital
that we support each other also ( all elements make up a group!)
Training will consist of 2 sessions a month
– Practical and learning
– Case studies and new research
We will also have a Facebook group which will be a resource for many to find peer to peer learning.
The topics we will work on may take the form of a longer session of 2 hours or a smaller session of 1 hour. The training will also involve a combination of lecturing and or guest lectures from experts in the field. Angela has over her career met and worked with a number of experts who are signed up to the programme and happy to support further learning in this area.
the benefits

Increase your knowledge on fertility and pregnancy to then be able to be
confident in this field.

Shortcuts to the years Angela spent learning about testing and analysis and the approach she works through with each clients field.

Learn how Angela works which can then be incorporated into your own style of working

Promotion to Angela’s audience once you have been on the Fertility Academy a year

Introduction to Angela’s professional list with the people she works with on a regular basis to get things moving with clients
Interested to find out more?
Click below for more information and to register an interest.
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